Duracool A/C Oil Chill for Electric Vane Type Compressors
he 34 ounce bottle of Duracool A/C Oil Chill is the perfect companion for compressor or component replacement. Duracool A/C Oil Chill will reduce compressor noise, reduce compressor operating temperatures and improve heat transfer in the evaporator and condenser resulting in a decreased vent temperature. The result is colder air blowing from the vents and less load on the system. Duracool A/C Oil Chill will not absorb moisture and has a low miscibility, low miscibility means that more oil stays in the compressor where it’s needed. Fully synthetic lubricant ideal for 134a & 1234yf and Duracool Refrigerant.
For use in electric vane type compressors.
Bottles per case: 6 bottles
Product Number: ELE0340